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 President's Goals and Visions * President's Goals and Visions


Cornerstone Missionary Baptist General Association is under the authority of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. In this spirit, the Cornerstone Missionary Baptist General Association submits the following purpose statement, consisting of core values, mission statement, vision statement and strategy.

I - Core Values

1 Doctrinal Integrity

2 Excellence

3 Balanced and healthy churches

4 Integrity

5 Servanthood

II - Mission Statement

The Cornerstone Missionary Baptist General Association deems of paramount important, the fulfilling of the great mandate to the Christian church, that of promulgating the Gospel of Jesus Christ, both locally and internationally.

We stand committed to fostering the development of well-equipped Christian workers, through regular meetings, our Congress of Christian Education and other symposia.

Maintaining doctrinal integrity and denominational orthodoxy will be the hallmark of our work. To that end, we have established a Commission on Orthodoxy, that is the organizational vehicle by which this phase of our work will continue, members of which will be the ultimate arbiters of the same.

There is a place, an Economic Development component to our work that will assist member churches in plugging into available resources to enhance those of the local church.

Realizing the need for the church to be on the front line of social issues, that impact upon our constituency, we have established commissions on Social Welfare and Social Justice.

As we continue to develop the great work of the Cornerstone Missionary Baptist General Association as a tool in the hands of God, undergirded by the Holy Spirit, we will remain ever mindful that we have not already attained, but rather, are a "Work in Progress"

III - Vision Statement

The churches of the CMBGA envision a day in which the Greater New Orleans area will be known worldwide as a place where grace abounds, lives are redeemed, demonic strongholds are defeated and the name of Jesus is honored in all things sacred and secular.

To make such a condition possible, we see new church plants almost everywhere, healthy churches growing and reproducing, new ministries established to meet the needs of people and leaders being trained and called out to be on mission.

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    Missionary Baptist General Association, Inc.
    6960 Martin Dr, New Orleans, LA 70126